The OX Ranch is located between Laramie and Wheatland, Wyoming. For years this 10,000 acre ranch has been managed for trophy quality mule deer and elk. This Wyoming ranch for sale has a proven track record of producing trophy animals of both species. Elk nearing 400″ and mule deer over 200″ have been harvested on this hunting land for sale. The ranch lies in elk area 5 which is no stranger to record book animals. In addition to a great elk and deer hunting property, the OX Ranch is a trophy still-water fly fishing property for sale as well. The OX boasts 3 trophy trout ponds filled with monster brook trout to over 24 inches. The OX Ranch and surrounding area is also known by many as some of the best cattle counrty in the west. The OX Ranch is no exception and a year-round cattle operation is a definate possibility on this Wyoming cattle ranch for sale.
The scenery on this Wyoming ranchland for sale is also beautiful with over 30 seeps and springs, one year-round creek, rugged rock outcroppings, grassy meadows, ponderosa pine dotted hillsides, and jaw-dropping views. Improvements on the OX Ranch consist of a new modular home, ranch managers home, barn, and corrals. The OX Ranch has power and phone and is 30 minutes from Wheatland, Wyoming.
Come check out this historic Wyoming hunting ranch…