There’s help for ranchers dealing with wildfires

Wildfires can be devastating to ranches and their owners. And, for investors looking for ranches for sale in the West, wildfires can be a cause for concern. But both owners and investors have a suite of programs available that can help with both prevention and recovery. 

So, while wildfire should always be a top-of-mind issue in the ranch community, it shouldn’t dictate decisions to buy or sell ranch property. It should be a significant consideration, however. 

Forest fire in the West

Protect your ranch property investment

Owning ranch property is a labor of love. There’s never a shortage of things to do. And one of the tasks that needs regular attention is simple prevention. From constructing simple fire breaks around infrastructure to making sure your ranch’s insurance policy is up to date, these are important items. They need attention.

And, by paying attention to the preventive details, your property will command more on the market if and when you list among other ranches for sale. Preventing wildfire damage is vital. And protecting your investment with proper insurance is equally important. 

But sometimes fire is a good thing. Using science as a guide ranchers can literally fight fire with fire, by introducing controlled burns on private lands that have lots of benefits. Fire spurs healthy understory growth and encourages mature evergreen trees to drop cones and grow new trees. Conducted at the right time of the year, a controlled burn can be beneficial within weeks.

And, of course, a controlled burn can greatly reduce the harmful impacts of an out-of-control wildfire if and when such a calamity occurs. 

After a forest fire

Help on your ranch property when you need it

But sometimes, doing everything right still isn’t enough. Wildfires have been a part of the Western landscape for thousands of years. Fire is part of the natural order of things. And, in time, lots of ranchers are going to deal with the impacts of wildfire.

Thankfully, there are resources that can make recovery easier than you might suspect. For ranchers who have been impacted by fire, the first stop should the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

The USDA offers a suite of assistance services to agricultural landowners affected by wildfire. Ranchers can get help from the USDA for everything from grazing forage loss to general wildfire disaster relief

The USDA even maintains a disaster assistance discovery tool. This helps ranch property owners navigate the relief options they might be able to access. 

These are all taxpayer-funded tools approved by Congress over time. The idea behind these programs is to secure the country’s agricultural industry and protect the nation’s food supply.

A controlled burn

After the fire: assessing your ranch property

Wildfires happen in the West. It’s a simple reality. In addition to the programs and assistance sources above, ranch owners can also access information that’ll help them once the flames are out and the recovery begins. 

The USDA, in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, can help ranch owners assess tree damage once a fire is out. This can help landowners determine next steps for forest management on the ranch. 

But there’s more to fire than just trees. Wildfires damage the soil. This can increase the risk of erosion or, during major rain events, flash flooding. The USDA recommends making sure all culverts are free of debris. It also suggests contacting your insurance company of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, even if your ranch or ranch infrastructure is outside the floodplain. These resources can help you prepare for future damage. 

It’s important to take advantage of these resources if you need them. Doing so will help you prepare your property for potential impacts. For investors looking for ranches for sale, those ranch owners who have considered the impacts of wildfire will be able to command a better price. 

Plane spreading flame retardant

Final word

Sadly, wildfires happen every year. They cause billions of dollars in property damage. For landowners, taking advantage of ample prevention and mitigation sources is important. For investors in search of ranches for sale, ranch properties that are better prepared for fire are going to be more valuable, and they’ll hold their value longer. 

Investors scanning the market for ranches for sale should start with a reputable ranch broker. These folks know the lay of the land and they can help determine which properties are poised to respond to disasters like wildfire. 

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